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“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." - John 15:5

It seems I spend half my time complicating simple things and half my time simplifying complicated things. Not sure which is better or whether I am making things better. But I’m grateful when Jesus makes things clear, whether by simplifying or showing me the connections in something more complicated. This one is pretty clear.

One thing: remain (abide) in Jesus. There may be more, there can not be less. One of the hazards of life as a Christian in 21st-Century America is the abundance of other things. Woe be to us, each of us or our church together, if we let the abundance of other things crowd out the One Thing. We would stop bearing fruit.

At the beginning of the year, our leaders met to make sure our communications and efforts are unified and on point. This was not a goal-setting exercise, but a time to build our church on the Rock and connect our efforts to the Vine. We talked about the importance of experiencing moments of deep connection with God in everything we do, not just inspiring worship but in committee meetings and studies and service projects and parking lot conversations.

Lent is a perfect time for us to fast, to strip away, to give up one or more things that are taking up more and more time in our head and our planner, so that we can more and more remain (abide) in the Vine, which is Jesus. Please spend some time right now identifying a thing or a list of things that are not making you more alive or delighting God, and that could be replaced by an opportunity for worship, prayer, study or fellowship with Christian family. Opportunities will be offered as we approach Lent and Holy Week for single activities or ongoing practices.

Our efforts won’t stop, however, at the end of Lent as we celebrate Easter and the hope that is ours. We’re going to keep right on looking for ways to connect with God and remain (abide) in the Vine. So once you’ve made your own personal commitment, once you’ve started to establish a new practice of abid-ing, please invite someone to participate with you in a practice, to join you in a group, to share your pursuit of this most simple thing which makes us fruitful and joyful – to be found in Him.

See you in church!

Pastor Jim